Line of coaching SHOP coming Soon!

Read about what make us more secure, confident in ourselves. How to embrace uour diversity, and take your dreams toward action.
Read about what being multi passionate, can lead to. How creativity make the life so much better, when it is explored every day!
On this blogg section, i will share more personal updates, life and reflections.

Join in, and become a member! It’s free) Get discounts, offers and exclusive info as a member. Also in the «soon to be coming» selfdevelopment shop! Courses, hypnosis and self-development.

What is life coaching & Hypnosis?

Life Coaching
Many of us know what we want to do, but don't take action towards completing our goals. Thoughts that you are not good enough. Not smart enough. Strong enough, or brave enough, holds you back. NOT your abilities.... But the fear of failure. With life coaching, you get help to identify what is holding you back. Help to build a better self-image, so you can move past your fear.

What is Hypnosis?

Through deep relaxation, where your conscious & critical sense is put aside, you become more receptive to positive suggestions. When brain frequencies are lower, such as when you have just woken up and just before falling asleep, you are particularly susceptible to hypnosis. The subconscious stores these new suggestions, replacing the old. And you notice a positive change in your life. In the coaching packages, you will learn self-hypnosis, in addition to methods to infiltrate self-hypnosis in your everyday life.

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•Line of coaching & hypnotherapy• 


How can i help you?

Book a no-obligation conversation, where we find out,whether we should work together.
Create a life with more joy and purpose!

                        Line Andrea

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Well you are NOT a failure! But it`s totally normal to feel like a failure from time to time. We alle have bad days, where nothing goes the way we want it to. Thats just a part of life.